Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Genealogy #70: Genealogy 2.0

No I have never wondered which celebrities I most resemble and I don't really needthe Look-alike Meter to find out whose looks I favor but I created myheritage account anyway and used the look-alike meter to find out who my daughter most resembled although I can tell you, she most resembles me. I couldn't find a widget to add the results to your iHCPL blog so I am just loading the results as an image.
I went to Footnote and browsed the Member Discoveries. I really enjoyed what Clio puts on Footnote but then she's the resident historian so of course it's good stuff. There was a post asking for more information about photographs that someone had but they didn't know alot about where they were taken and though it's not a sure thing it could be possible that someone might recognize something in them and be able to help this person out, the ultimate in social networking. Not so helpful are the pages that have been created just to remember someone. The best and the worst of social networking.

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