Thursday, July 9, 2009

Crafts & Hobbies #64: Zines

When I first started looking around at the zines I was reminded of the character, Emily Posa in the movie Seven Pounds. She ran a printing company that used antique printing presses to create her products.

Another term you must learn when talking about zines is distro, which Urban Dictionary defines as "a distribution source for independant publishing (like zines), indie music labels and other diy crafts. Some of the more established distros include Pander Zine Distro and Moonrocket, though there are literally hundreds of distros worldwide. Generally speaking they don't turn much of a profit as stocking and selling their products is a labor of love, much as it is for those who create what they sell. Additionally, the process for being distributed (or distro'ed) is much less formal than with conglomerate publishers - sometimes zinesters can just send in a note and a copy of their zine and, if the owner of the distro likes it, they'll agree to sell any number of copies. Currently, the most up-to-date listing of distros can be found in Stolen Sharpie Revolution, put out by Microcosm Publishing."

I would never publish my own zine, I have this blog which is enough for me. If I ever had to publish a zine it would be all pictures with some titles but not much written word. Even my scrapbook friends tell me I should journal more in my books. I just don't have that much to say really and on those occasions when I do, I write it, re-read it and it never really sounds right so I end up erasing or deleting it anyway. If I really must write, I perseverate way too long. I did take a look at the LJ reviews. Cindy Crabb's Doris is a little dark for my tastes but she makes cute skirts! Artnoose is very nice, nostalgic. I liked The East Village Inky because she's a Hoosier and a mom, both things I understand. When I'm in Austin visiting Danielle, I'll be sure to seek out Monkey Wrench Books for the latest copy of The East Village Inky. Fish With Legs looks pretty cute, at least from his blog, but without a distro I couldn't find a copy of his zine to view online. As far as reading zines, I just have more than I can handle when it comes to reading material so I wouldn't seek out zines. Most of what I read though comes from the library so of course I would say there is certainly a place in the library for zines if your partons are reading them.

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